Vocational Programme
To foster income-generating skills, VSAI provides training and employment opportunities for differently abled children and youth as well as socio-economically vulnerable adults, especially women. This is one of the Organisation’s cornerstones The skills taught under the Vocational Programme include
-Tailoring and Stitching
-Beauty & Wellness
-Candle Making
-Block Printing
Over time, the trainees become proficient enough to generate income from the skills learnt. VSAI has made it compulsory for those aspiring to be trained in the income generating skills to enroll in the functional literacy classes offered by VSAI.The classes are structured in such a way that along with a vocational skill they also instill life skills such as punctuality, diligence and responsibility.
Like all other programmes, the skills training and functional literacy services are provided free of cost.VSAI is proud to note that several of its trainees upon completion of the training, go to various institutes as master trainers and some have become assistant teachers too. They are now able to earn and income from the acquired skills.